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Something to Keep Him Busy...

Rooya Baby Military Truck. 1:16

Got this just before Xmas, again, next day delivery from Amazon Prime (Prime Free Trial: Unpacked it and charged in preparation for Xmas day then wrapped and ‘put under the tree

First things first, this has got a good battery life. The battery itself, is stored ‘under the hood’ and is a block of 5 AA rechargeable batteries. My son says that depending on the terrain and what he is actually doing with the truck, this lasts him for between 15 minutes to ½ an hour. It comes with a USB charging lead but no plug adaptor but I’m sure you will have something lying around the house, if not you can always use the PC or Laptop.

The remote is good, with the steering wheel coming back to centre when you leave go of it. The finger control pushes forward to reverse and pulls back to move forward and there is also a button on it for two speeds.

Good suspension for stones and jumping off steps and obviously the 4x4 really helps here. Both cab doors open and the lights on the front actually work. They stay on when it is paired with the remote and flash to show that it isn’t paired.

I think my son sums up what he likes about it most when he says that, unlike the sporty RC cars that he has had previously, this is more fun because you actually ‘play’ with it and he like the length of time you can use it between charges.  I was going to say that the only con on this was the price, but since I bought it at £32.99, I have found it at £19.99

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